Privacy Policy, Insurance and Security


We value your patronage. For that reason, be assured that we have an iron clad security and privacy policy that protects all of the information you provide to us whether it is in your order form, e-mails to us or telephone calls. We do not sell or share any information about our customers, and we use the data solely to fill your orders and to provide you with the highest level of customer service.


We have studied most of the leading health insurance and vision plans that are offered by employers in the private sector, as well as to employees in government service. We found that it is not unusual for there to be full or partial reimbursement for fames and lenses if they were prescribed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist, or if they were fitted by a professional optician. Therefore, regardless of whether you select your FOCUSERS® using a prescription from your eye doctor, or if you prescribe them yourself from an eye chart or by visiting a drug store and using the trial and error method with generic reading glasses sold there, if your insurance plan covers corrective lenses, the fact that our certified opticians will be assembling them, individually for you, ought to make your purchase of FOCUSERS® eligible for a reimbursement under the policy. Of course, the certified opticians at FOCUSERS Inc. will gladly assist you in making your claim. Thus, while the purchase of ordinary reading glasses would not qualify for insurance reimbursement, we are happy to report that FOCUSERS® should be covered.


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